Saturday, December 20, 2014

Women in Rock Music

Joan Jett, Stevie Nicks, and Courtney Love are some of the many successful female rock musicians that have had a pivotal role in shaping the rock music genre.
Part of my presentation is on women in rock and the petition I created to urge Gibson Guitar Corporation to feature more women in their advertisements. Before I present the petition, I wanted to play this video I made highlighting the women in rock music. Women in rock music have had a pivotal role in the genre by not only redefining gender stereotypes in society, but also influencing a large amount of listeners and musicians and adding diversity to the music as well.  One of rock’s early female success stories was Janis Joplin, who helped pave the way for future female singers. The 60’s era had a plethora of experimental and influential bands challenging and breaking down barriers, which would strongly influence future music.

In a post-modern society, all male dominated industries must be reassessed to encourage participation from all genders. In the music industry, women rock musicians have been critical in the development of the genre and have impacted and influenced other musicians and listeners to further progress the genre. Because the music industry is dwindling in size and profit, it is extremely critical for companies that manufacture musical instruments to advertise their products to appeal to as big of an audience as possible, to keep creating an interest for the next generation of music makers and keep the genre alive. By getting Gibson's attention to the petition, a possible change to feature more women with their products would result in more sales from women, and more music being created from a more diverse customer pool, renewing and invigorating the music industry which will result in a renewed and reinvigorated music scene.

I created the petition on because it is a popular platform that enables anyone, anywhere to start a petition, mobilize support, and win change in anything from local concerns to global issues. I also created a facebook page to promote the petition and hopefully support other calls to action in this subject matter. I hope that by at least raising awareness, I can convince others to see how important it is to keep an interest in music alive and influence the music industry's decisions in broadening their appeal to a bigger audience.

Movie link:
Link to Facebook page:

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