Monday, September 15, 2014

Who am I

            In the role of media consumption I would not classify myself as being heavily influenced or addicted to media. There are many people that use Facebook to communicate and share pictures, Twitter, Instagram, etc… I created a Facebook back in high school because people told me that I couldn’t live without it, after a while I forgot I even had a Facebook account. Seeing other people’s posts about their day felt weird, I felt like it was an intrusion of privacy.  Then there is twitter which I created for the first time just so I can submit posts for this class. As you can see I am not one of those people that spend all day on social media websites or keep up with all the latest trends. Social media is not one of my prioritized sources of information but I cannot disagree that in a way it does affect my life. Seeing how other people live and how they act in certain situations will in a way influence the way I would handle the same situation.
            On the other hand I do spend a good amount of time watching news and skimming threw articles on , I cannot stand seeing the amount of articles about celebrities and their problems because I don’t care about their personal lives. My ethnic roots lie in Ukraine, I try to follow the news about the crisis that is going on in that country right now but in the American news it’s almost impossible. Most of the posts I find regarding the conflict in Ukraine are propaganda against Russia. I am able to read Russian and have Russian television in my house, so I see news about the same thing in two different perspectives. It makes me question many things about how media is used as a tool to give people thoughts that are beneficial to our government. News are supposed to be unbiased and truthful, but I am convinced that all the big news providers are heavily controlled by our government.
            I believe that keeping an eye on the media is good, we need new information all the time to keep ourselves evolving. At the same time I believe some media is more important than others, we should not prioritize celebrity gossip over political affairs that are affecting us. Movies that show teenagers partying and having sex are extremely bad, there are kids under the age of 18 that watch movies like this and then go out drinking underage and having unprotected sex. I just watch movies like this for the comedy but I am sure that there are kids out there that actually think that this is a normal lifestyle for teenagers. In conclusion I would classify myself as more of a watcher than a follower, I don’t agree with lots of ideas and arguments floating around in the media, but I still read about it so that I am aware of what is going on in our world.

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