Saturday, September 13, 2014

Who do you think you are?

As a child I remember waking up to the news rather than cartoons and my father always had a paper every morning, rain or shine and in blizzard conditions.  My parents made sure that my brothers and I knew what was going on in the world, whether or not we were paying attention or not it was still on the tv. Later on in life that stayed with me, to this day I like to start my day off with a paper in hand, coffee in the other but I also enjoy reading blogs about random subjects. I have Facebook and Instagram which I post the occasional picture or comment.

I try to keep my media consumption low, too much too fast is never good. I don’t like to rely on the internet for news,I enjoy having a physical copy of a paper, as well as books and music.  But at times, I am guilty of watching silly videos on Youtube or Ebaums World of cute kids or kittens. At work, shared media is always a topic for discussion around bored co-workers. It always seems to break the ice when you say “Hey did you see that awesome video on Youtube?” Usually the answer is “Of course”.

Media is at your fingertips now so whenever you’re bored, need help or just curious about something you could just get on your phone to feed that hunger. Growing up my parents bought me my first computer in high school and it sat there for a while collecting dust. One, because we had dial up and dial up modems were the worst, two because I still read books and relied on the library to help me with research for school papers, which were handwritten. It’s all about balance for me, I like using social media as a way to get in touch with people I know and to get my thoughts out there but I try not to consume it all. What would happen if it all went away tomorrow? How could we live.

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