Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Who Do I think I am?

Who do I think I am? I can’t narrow that down with a simple explanation.  To tell you who I am, in a simple sentence is simply impossible.  I am a woman, a mother, a student, and so much more.  When talking about media, I find it difficult to pull myself away from it.  Media on a whole plays a vital part in today's society.  Whether Facebook, twitter, movies, and the vast means that media plays in our daily lives.  The consumption of media in our society today is in short, a complete overload.  Medias’ influences on society seems to control our thinking and  opinions on everything we do, watch, and even our daily decisions are based and rely on the media around us,  Our society relies on media so much, that everything that happens in our  lives are documented and broadcast to the world, whether to use as an educational source, or as a source of comedy.  A simple accident for instance, the first action that is used mostly is to take out our phones and switch on the record button only to have it broadcast on websites like Facebook and other media outlets, has become a norm in today’s society.  The control that media has on our daily lives is scary in today’s world.

Media has such a control on our decision making and our influence that often it controls our opinions.   Or often times are based on what we see, and what others believe.  Media sites like TMZ, Media Takeout, and Facebook, control what we think, see, and believe.  Like for example the Ray Rice incident.  The media’s example footage and random opinions has shaped our opinions and our belief of an incident that simply had nothing to do with us.  Whether the footage is authentic, or edited to make the supposed victim or villain seem helpless or to be a monster is solely based on what was put out into the media.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not supporting domestic violence, am just simply making note, that the media controls what we think and what we believe these two people to be. We have created our  complete judgement and thinking on what was shown to us. This incident could have been edited to make the audience (us) form an opinion on what was displayed on screen, and the commentators views.  This was an incident that was between two people, but because of who one of the individuals is, it matters more as opposed to ordinary people.  To tell you the truth, before this incident I had no idea who Ray Rice was, but having it blasted on every news channel, Facebook, and various other sites, it became the primary topic of discussion, at home, and to the public.  Ray Rice, whether he is the villain or not, seemed like he was the monster at that moment.  According to his wife the so called victim) who got married to him a month after that incident, he is a wonderful husband, father, and individual.  I’m not saying that Ray Rice is a victim or a monster, i’m just stating, because of one incident that was caught on camera and broadcast for the world to see and judge, it cost him everything.  One incident took away a man's whole career, which took years for him to build, whether his actions were right or wrong.  This is the power that media has in today's world, it can build you or break you in one instant. 

I have discovered that media has shaped my view point.  In general, by use of Facebook and other means, by this I have noticed that my interest has developed and has been influenced by people's daily lives.  I have noticed, that this has developed from my interest in celebrities, and has now trickled down to ordinary people.  Whether it be my friends, family members, and even people I don’t really care for.  What they are doing, wearing, who they are dating, or even what’s cooking in their pot.  I’m ashamed to admit, that I have fallen victim to interest that has no bearing on my everyday life.  People are so busy in capturing images to display to the world, whether it be to impress, or to matter, that they forget the essence of living.  Media offers a variety of wonderful entertainment by movies, music, art, and other various means, so we rely on it in our daily lives.  But the harsh part of media, like reality television, TMZ, and other gossip blogs, have created a world of negative influence, and is reshaping our world as we know it.

Ray Rice incident: http://www.tmz.com/2014/09/08/ray-rice-elevator-knockout-fiancee-takes-crushing-punch-video/


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